Process Analysis Toolkit  (PAT) 3.5 Help  
2.5.4 Using C/C++ Code in PAT

Some complicated calculations (e.g., algorithms, data operations and computations) are difficult to implement in PAT's modeling language. Beside supporting calling C# methods, we also allow users to call C/C++ functions in PAT.

Suppose you have a C/C++ library, all you need is to create a C# interface using that library and then call C# interface as External Static Method.Requirements to the C# external static methods are also applied to the C/C++ functions.


You have a C function in the Plus.dll which return the sum of 2 integer numbers
extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) plus(int a, int b);

For more information about how to export a C function, you may want to refer to Exporting from a DLL Using __declspec(dllexport). The basic idea is adding "extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )" before the interface declaration to mark it as be exported to the DLL.

You want to call this function in PAT. Firstly, you need to create an C# interface provoking this function. You may want to try as below:

public class CMethodDemo {


public static extern int plus(int a, int b);


To call a DLL from C#, we need to declare a method as having an implementation from that DLL with the static and extern C# keywords. Then you need to attach the DllImport attribute to the method.  For deeper understanding, following the tutorial Platform Invoke Tutorial from MSDN.

Then you build this as CMethodDemo.dll, put it and Plus.dll under "Lib" folder of the PAT installation directory. Last you can follow the External Static Methods to use this C# interface. Below is the PAT model using this feature. You can try this example in PAT, under CSP -> "Demonstrating Example" -> "C Library Demonstrating Example".

#import "PAT.Lib.CMethodDemo";

var x;

System = event{x = call(plus, 1,2);} -> out.x -> Skip;

#assert System() deadlockfree;

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